Friday, December 21, 2012

Google to Come Up With 'X Phone',a rival to both Iphone and Samsung!

With the Google’s Acquisition of Motorola,Motorola is on its path to develop a new phone that can bring a revolution in  the smartphone industry.Google has employed a highly talented team,led by Lior Ron the one who played an active role in the Google Maps Team.Google plans to bring some cutting edge features into the new phone,known internally as Xphone.

Motorola has gone through some really hard times,but now being under the strong support of Google,Motorola has got the financial support to do almost anything.Google has earlier brought viewdle,one of the leading image and face-recognition software availble in the market.The new Xphone is expected to offer better color saturation facilities and a top notch camera.

Google is also looking into the possibilities of giving the phone the ability to bend like anything.Although Google has ran into some hardware troubles in implementing this feature,Googles highly talented hardware engineers will probably crack this up.

Currently the Phone Manufacturers use a version of Android that comes with build in google apps like Google Search,Google Plus etc which generates revenue for Google.Samsung is one of the operator which has this kind off tie up with Google.But with the current popularity of Galaxy Series there is a chance for Samsung to use a forked version of Android,that is replacing the current Google Apps with Samsungs apps and implementing a cloud feature exclusively for Samsung users.So Google’s plans to make ‘Xphone’ can be rather seen as a backup plan for Google just in case Samsung turns against them.’Xphone’ is expected to be out for shipping by mid 2013.

So what do you guys think about Google decision to come up with Xphone?Do you think Xphone can defeat the existing Iphone and Galaxy series?Do drop your opinions here.We would love to hear from you.

Google to Come Up With 'X Phone',a rival to both Iphone and Samsung!

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