Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To Block Someone On Whatsapp Android

Well Whatsapp is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in almost every platform including IOS,Android,Windows,S40,S60 phones.The main reason for the success of whatsapp is the simplicity of the app and the superb colour combination of the app.In just few clicks we are able to send pictures and videos to friends.Unlike other instant messaging apps available on mobile platform,whatsapp never crashes.But recently one of my friend asked me how to block someone on whatsapp.

Though whatsapp provides detailed explanation about how to block someone on whatsapp in iphone,it does not provide information about how to block someone in whatsapp in android.Though some sites does claim to show you how to block someone in whatsapp on a android phone none of them provides the correct information.

Follow these steps to block someone on whatsapp.

1.Go to whatsapp

2.Take Settings.I mean go to the page that shows all your chats and open up whatsapp settings.(bringing up settings varies from phone to phone.In samsung it is by clicking the button next to middle button…It varies from phone to phone).

3.Then Select Contacts.In that you will see a option called blocked contacts.Select that and add the contacts that you want to block.

I hope you enjoyed this post on how to block someone in whatsapp running on a Android phone.Do drop comments here if you face some problem implementing this method

How To Block Someone On Whatsapp Android

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